Donor Recognition


Gene and Rita Bicknell

Both graduates of Pittsburg State University, the Bicknells have many ties to the campus, the Pittsburg community and the region. Rita, an attorney, is known for her work on behalf of the community, her philanthropic initiatives, and her service to others. Gene is known in Kansas and beyond for his contributions as a businessman, a philanthropist and his interests in the arts, athletics and civic initiatives. Gene was instrumental in the organization and founding of the PSU Foundation, Inc., and he provided leadership and support in the construction of the Kansas Technology Center. He has also served PSU in the classroom, as an adjunct professor and guest speaker. Pittsburg State University thanks Gene and Rita Bicknell for their leadership in making this facility a reality. 

A new era in the arts

The Bicknell Family Center for the Arts was built with support from the students of Pittsburg State University and gifts from alumni, faculty, staff, friends, businesses and foundations. Donors who made gifts of $5,000 or more to support construction of the facility are listed on the curved wall in the Paul Bergant Family Lobby.  Seat plaques in the Linda & Lee Scott Performance Hall are placed in recognition of gifts of $500 and $1,000.

The following listing recognizes all donors who supported construction of the facility followed by donors who made gifts to the Steinway Society, the musical instrument and equipment fund. This listing reflects all donors as of Dec. 1, 2014. The donor listing will be updated periodically as additional gifts are received. If we have overlooked any donor, please contact us or contact the Office of University Development at 620-235-4768.

For information on the need for private support to complete the multi-purpose room and the art gallery, as well as for programming, equipment, and other needs in the Bicknell Center, please contact us.

Pittsburg State University thanks all donors who helped make this impressive facility possible.

Thank you to our donors!
  • Gifts of $1 million and more
  • Gifts of $100,000 to $999,999
  • Gifts of $25,000 to $99,999
  • Gifts of $5,000 to $24,999
  • Gifts up to $4,999
The Bicknell Family
   Gene and Rita Bicknell
The Students of
   Pittsburg State University 
Walton Family Charitable Support           
   Foundation in honor of Linda & Lee Scott through the Community Foundation of Southeast Kansas
The Family of Dotty and Bill* Miller 
   Nancy and Richard Miller
   Faith and Dick Coleman 
The Paul Bergant Family
Robert L. and Sylvia B. Bailey  
Tom and Melinda Beal 
James S. and Treva J.* Dawson 
Harvey and Sharon Dean Family 
Gordon W. and Bev Elliott  
Midwest Minerals, Inc./
    The George E. Nettels, Jr. Family 
The Mitchelson Family
Wallace O’Dowd* 
Ronald O. Thomas Foundation 
Gene and Linda Vollen
Garnett E.* and Ruth A.* Bloomcamp 
Tom and Jane Collinson 
Commerce Bank
Community National Bank and Trust
Craw-Kan Telephone Cooperative, Inc. 
Exchange State Bank/
    Frank D. Dunnick Trust 
Peter K. Hamilton Family 
Rob and Lori Herron
Donald Hight* and Betty McLane Hight
Don and Kay Holsinger 
William T. Kemper Foundation
Russell L. Jones  
Ida Spradling Locarni  
Ron’s Supermarket/The Rhodes Family
Leggett & Platt, Inc. 
George and Billie Pitzer  
Leon V. and Dorothy M. 
    Skubitz Foundation
Sunderland Foundation  
University Bank
Alan G. and Roberta Harlow Whetzel 
Wendell L. and Lynda S. Wilkinson
Cynthia Allan and Debbi Fischer 
Brenner Mortuary/The Ward Family
Orville and Elizabeth Brill   
Carolyn J. Brooker 
Ellen and Greg Carter   
Carol Campbell Cook 
J. Stephen and Mary Lynne 
    Welbaum Crosetto
Kathleen Flannery and Jeff Steinmiller 
Richard L. and Mary L. Hines  
Karl P. Hudson* 
Karl and Sarah Kunkel  
Joe and Diane Inloes Levens  
Fred L. Lips 
Albert and Jennine Marrone   
Stephen and Ann Meats 
George C. and Nola M. Meese
Lynette J. Olson  
Donna Sue Pintar  
Don Porter  
Norberta Wachter Schoene  
Robert* and Isa Schott
Steven and Cathy Scott
Wallace and Mary Fern Souder  
Pauline Lashbrook Steele
Jack and Janet Gayle Strukel  
Richard C. Welty
George R. & Phyllis Vogel Abbott
Patricia J. Abts
Bill R. * & Sue Albers
Virgil R. & Dolores Drenon Albertini
Jay J. & Catherine Duffin Albright
Daniel & Marilyn Alcala
Daniel K. & Linda K. Allen
Merle W. & Vicky S. Allen
Ronnie L. & Carol A. Allison
American Concrete Company, Inc.
American Electric Power
Tom A. & Debbie Yartz Amershek
C. Melvin & Joyce Gorentz Anderson
Bill J. & Genevieve Anderson
Virginia M. Arment*
Joseph A. & Suzanne Middendorf Arruda
Matthew & Angela Ashmore
James M. & Cathy Campbell AuBuchon
W. Tandy & Deborah Scott Auman
Robert J. & Donna Thyen Backes
Matthew S. & Stacey Born Bacon
Catherine A. Baird
Bill R. & Dorothy L. Baker
Bradley E. & Jean Bandy Baker
Christine M. Baker
Martin K. Barber
Jean Martin Barber
James & Donita Ford Barone
Pat & Sharon L. Barone
Jon A. & Amy Smith Bartlow
Kenneth K. & Barbara Monsour Bateman
Ralph B. Batman
Kenneth J. & Donna Zirkel Batt
William P. & Martha Pahlow Beezley
Joe A. & Christl Deloney Beitzinger
Eleanora L. Belew
William & Barbara Belger
Suzanne M. Bellows
Robert J., Jr. & Kathy Latty Benard
Douglas R. Bennett
Dorothy Gulliford Bertoncino
Ann B. Bevins
Hubert C. Bird
Barbara Duncan Bird
James R. Bird
Jeff & Melissa Bird
Jim & Nancy Morin Bishop
Simon P. & Teresa J. Bishop
Aileene Howard Blincoe
Michael B. Boaz
Charles H. & Norma J. Booe
Kellie N. Borders
Doris Cordier Bradley
Charles C. & Martha Mason Brady
Roger L. & Cheryl Breneman
Jeffrey S. & Pearl V. Brewer
Stephen A. Brill
Marie Eichhorn Brinkman
Mark J. & Brooke Stephenson Broyles
Curtis A. & Tami Albertini Brumbaugh
Geraldine Brumbaugh
James A. & Belinda Andrews Brumfield
Tom W. & Koeta Dunham Bryant
Roger M. & Karen Buchanan
Harvey & Cathy Papka Buckley
Joseph W. & Sandra Garrison Bugni
Betty J. Bullard
L. Catherine Burnett
Linda L. Bush
Marvin W. Butcher
Misty D. Button
Tom Cameron
Nancy E. Campbell
James R. & Jerri Patterson Campbell
Diana Bartelli Carlin
Paul B. & Laura Bond Carlson
James H. & Lily Spierer Carter
Catherine Casement McDowell
Dick & Jacqueline R. Casey
Todd S. & Sandy Casey
Donald M. & Mary* Cash
Kenneth R. & Kathleen Jones Cattaneo
Philip A. & Melissa Cedeno
A. Gene Chambers
Jakalene Chancey
Chii-Yuarn Chang
Mary F. Chapman
Katherine Bradshaw Chappelear
Paul R. & Brenda Rua Chappell
P.E.O. Chapter I.O.
Richard L. & Janet Reynolds Chitty
Shirley A. Christian
Richard M. & Johna M. Chubb
Larry J. & Mary Taylor Clark
Kenneth W. & Joan Kovacic Cleland
Ronald W. & Patricia Alloway Clement
David A. Cloke
Craig S. & Mindy Stevens Cloninger
Duane V. Clum
Darren B. & Heather J. Collier
Terry P. & Penny L. Collins
Glenn P. & Hazel Kent Coltharp
Forrest L. & Barbara Coltharp
Troy & Lorie Comeau
James J. Compton
Janet D. Connors
O. L. & Judith Cook
Gil Cooper & Casie E. Hermansson
Gary J. & Kenda Lee Corcoran
Donald E. Corder
John R. & Harriett Sloan Corporon
Megan M. Corrigan
Bienvenido & Paige Witt Cortes
William K. Coulter
Sharon Kovacic Cowan
Brian P. & Sonia Sosa Cox
Margaret O’Toole Cox
Brent & Elizabeth Crandon
Bob & Jean Meyer Cross
Tex & Audrey Golden Crutcher
Maeve Lyons Cummings
Philip R. & Diane Hoffman Cunningham
Craig C. & Anita Currier
Brian L. & Amy R. Cussimanio
Elizabeth A. Dale
Jaime D. & Brett C. Dalton
Eldon V. & Linda Phipps Danenhauer
Ralph O. David
Amanda D. Davied
Pleasant E. Davis
V. Dean & Susan Haffa Davison
Gene & Laurie Hildebrand Delano
Gerry G. & Vicki Vaughn Dennett
Kayla Marlene Devereaux
Merry Dikeman
William R. & Judy O. Docking
Timothy G. Donovan
Billy & Wendy Dooly
Roger E. & Agnes Doue
Edward C. & Carolyn Fowler Dougery
Barry D. & Joyce Simoncic Draper
Michelle & Richard Ducre
Thomas J. & Lisa Milburn Dunn
Robert L. & Sally E. Eckles
Michael G. & Sandra Dawdy Emerson
John G. & Polly A. Epting
Steven K. & Lori A. Erwin
John G. Esch
Albert & Linda Eshelbrenner
Larry D. Evans
Gerald N.* & Donna Lu Falletti
Peter J. & Miriam Burke Farabi
Darron C. & Kelli Garigletti Farha
Daniel J. & Mary Lou Farrell
Mike & Judi Parker Fast
David & Lesa Ireland Feess
William G. & Carolyn McBride Fehrenbach
Michael D. Ferguson
Paul Bruce Fichter
Jeanne R. Fiene
Michael P. & Michaele Fienen
First Cameron State Bank
Kristopher & Kenda Allmond Fischer
David C. & Jamey Burris Fish
Kyle M. & Lori Bolton Fleming
Roger D. Fogleman
Domenic R. & Modestyne Fogliasso
J. David & Lisa Specht Fontaine
H. Sam & Karen Forrer
Addi Foster
Ryan C. & Kelley L. Foust
Mattye Shaw Foxx
Sharon Brant Frankenbery
C. Elaine Freeman
Joanna M. Freeman
Linda Frihart
Eric D. & Lesley A. Friskel
Gerald & Jacqueline Fuchs
Richard & Gena Bicknell Gallagher
Beverly Ricketts Galloway
Valorie Pyle Gardner
Ronald P. & Linda Gracey Gariglietti
Donna J. Geisler
Kenneth D. & Cheryl Estees Giefer
William E. & Judith L. Gifford
Ed  R. & Patricia Gill
John L. Gladson
James A. & Barbara J. Goodknight
Vernell & Jean Goold
Roberta A. Whetzel Gosch
George Graham
William A. & Collen O. Gray
Max & B. Lowell Binney Green
Linda K. Grilz
Mildred Klein Grimaldi
Paul W. & Marybeth Grimes
Eric T. & Lora Bertalotto Grooms
Kelly & Lisa Bishop Grosdidier
Keith W. & Carlita Danford Guiles
Michael Haley
Judson L. Hall
Michael L. Hamblin
Carl Raymond Hamilton
Shawn D. & Tanya Lack Hamilton
Kevin K. & Julie Urban Hamilton
Michael R. Hankins
John F. & Karen A. Harley
Maurice A. & Terri R. Harley
Jennifer O’Brien Harris
Glen O. & Lois M. Harris
Joe A. & Sally M. Patterson Hart
Kris Marie Hartley
Donald L. & Jana Caruthers Hartshorn
Frank D. & Kay Hase
Lindell L. Haverstic
William G.* & Irma M. Hawley
Hay Group, Inc.
Ronald E. & Connie B. Hedrick
Mark V. & Lisa A. Heitz
Gary M. & Angela Ford Helm
Agnes L. Helms
Evelyn Dame Hemmens
Ben D. & Pamela Clutter Henderson
Richard L. & Sara Breen Henry
James D. & Barbara Perkins Herbert
Robert A. Herrmann
Harlan L. & Carol Billington Hess
Elizabeth M. Hewett*
DeAnn Auman Hill, C.P.A.
Ed & Peggy Russell Hinde
Larry J. & Judith Tibbetts Hiner
Michael E. Hinton
Stuart K. & Amy Maurer Hite
Mark S. & Rebecca Overstreet Hittner
J. Bradford & Sue Hodson
Marie C. Hoepfl & David Finck
Fayanne Hoffmann
Steven P. & Janet Chiappetti Hogard
David P. & Susan Borchardt Hogard
Larry W. & Kathleen Holmes
Jay F. Holt & Nelda B. Holt
George E. & Pam Hopper
Lee S. Hornstein
Vincent & Jeanette Horton
Janet L. Houser
Jean D. & Elisa Howayek
Stephen & Janet Bauman Hoyer
Janet M. Hubbard
James M. & Connie Huddleston
Jerry D. & Judith Cremer Hudson
T. Jim & Sherry Everts Hughes
Jay L. & Cheryl A. Hutchins
Phillip E. Hutchinson
Lola V. Ide
Mihail Ionescu
Kutlu Jon & Shirley A. Isin
John  D. & Ronda Snyder Ison
Cheryl L. Jacobson
N. Scott & Debra Mosler Jarrett
Jacqueline L. Jenkins
Russell S. & Janice Hunt Jewett
James A. & Terri Wilson Johnson
Dorothy Johnson
John B. & Karen Zafuta Johnson
Jim R. & Cynthia Johnson
Robert A. Smith & Susan M. Johns-Smith
Richard D. Jones, II
Galen & Mickie Kabance
George W., Jr. & Linda Kaemmerling
Mary Gallop Katter
Shane R. & Amy Askins Kannarr
Carole K. Kazmierski
Robert G. & Loretta M. Arnold Kehle
John S. & Sara Beezley Keller
Joseph P. Kellerman
Chris J. & Melissa Lindsay Kelly
Michael R. & Nora K. Kelting
Michael & Mary Cheely Kennelley
Jason A. & Carla Kermashek
Andrew M. & Mary Conklin Klenke
Connie K. Kline
Gregory A. & Paula Semrad Knapp
Dan & Nikki Batten Knaup
J. T. & Linda O’Nelio Knoll
Edwin L. & Darlene L. Mallette Koehler
William J. Kovacic
Louise Kovacic*
John R. & Joyce E. Kovacic
Helen F. Kriegsman
Paul A. & Julia McClure Kuestersteffen
Jo Ann Laughlin
Michael G. Lawrence
Kirstin L. & Lynden D. Lawson
Donald R. Lee
Earl W. Lee & Kathleen R. DeGrave
Steve B. Leibbrand
James L. & Maureen M. Leiker
Elsie Ruth Leistikow
Amos & Sharon Huff Leonard
Alvin C. & Diane Blessant Letner
Richard L. Lewis
Corey B. & Elizabeth Snodgrass Lewis
Mark A. Litteken
Michael  S. & Theresa Lobb
Steven V. &  Sherry Lohr
Lane R. & Stacy Shobe Lord
Roger D. & L. Irene Lowe
Jean Dombrovski Lundt
M. D. Humphrey, LLC
Martha Howard Mackin
John A. & Sandra A. Madsen
Kristina M. Magee
Charles A. Main
Arthur L.* & Geri Malle
Edward J. & Connie Farley Malle
James A. & Joan Manning
Susan J. Marchant
Adam M. Marrone
Robert D. & Judith Marshall
John & Bernice Martel
Mary Elizabeth Martin*
Carolann F. Martin
Donna M. Martin
Michael B. Mason & Penelope J. Meitz
Teresa Ramirez & Richard W. Massa
Edward & Linda Maurer
Shirlee McGinnis Mayfield
Donald A.* & Norma L. McCaslin
Irvin V. Belzer & Sue McCord-Belzer
Max A. McCoy
Kenny O. & Bonnie McDougle
Leonard E.* & Betty McGinty
Michael R. & Susan H. McKinnis
Glen D.* & G. Darlene Frankenberry McLaren
J. Robert & Amelia Stevens McNay
Debra L. McNay
Nikolas T. & Elizabeth McReynolds Griffith
Michael & Deborah Meehan
Terry L. Mendenhall
Chester G. & Virginia L. Merando
Lorna L. Metro
F. Ed Miller
Shirley J. Miller
John & Amanda Benefield Minton
Altricia Ogden Misse
Marc Monasmith
Lloyd R. Moore
Connie J. Morris
Donald D. Morrison
Vernon K. & Kathryn Brand Morton
Charles & Norma Murphy
Donald J. & Mary Lou Fox Murray
Lynn M. Murray
Matthew V. Schoenfelder & Mallory A. Murray
Charles R. H. & Deborah A. Myers
Andrew W. & Mary Myers
Shawn L. & Christine Callarman Naccarato
James L. Needham
Mark & Kathy Merrell Neely
Thomas E. Nelson
Roberta Phillips Nepple*
David & Carol Newcomb
William Q. & Bobbie Fletcher Noland
Marcel H. & Helen Rutledge Normand
William S. & Johnna M. Norton
Josephine A. Novak
Richard & Louise Oakes
David W. & Jane Seiwert O’Bryan
Betsy A. Oehme
Charles A. & Camille Icenogle Olcese
Richard A. Oler
Larry & Vicki Hall O’Neal
Gary L. & Marianne Kreissler O’Nelio
Timothy Osborn
Glenda Pendleton Overbeck
Jack H. Overman
Martin H. & Kay E. Owens
Stuart & Kathleen Spicer Owsley
Michael G. & Renee Busnell Pace
S. Dean Papp
Carl H. Parker
George & Melissa Forbes Paterni
Rosemary Farabi Patterson
John D. & Janet L. Patterson
Celia A. Patterson
Mark S. & Trish Brees Peak
Vernon W. Pearson
Arnold M. Pederson
Richard R. & Barbara A. Rondelli Perry
William & Carolyn Pence Perry
Richard L. & Barbara  Perry
Frank & Cheryl Perry
Michael J. & Karen Peternell
Robert M. & Kathleen Peterson
Roger D. & Patsy Pfeifer
William L. & Pamela G. Phalen
Phi Mu Alpha Sinfonia Beta Delta Chapter
Anthony & Terri L. Piazza
Mark E. & Virginia S. Pierson
Brian W. & Gina Bishop Pinamonti
Uealene M. Myers Pingree
Ronald L. & Kimberly White Plouvier
Jeff & Tonya Poe
W. Neil & Mary M. Benelli Polfer
Joseph J. & Susan Kovacic Polhlopek
Christopher R. & Micholee Emerson Polsak
Robert A. & Mary Carol Galichia Pomatto
Lewis W. & Carolyn Card Porter
Nancy B. Poteete
Melvin L. & Doris Albert Potts
William E. & Grace I. Powell
Larry & Charlene Congdon Prauser
David & Shirley* Purdy
David J. & Mary Putnam
R. James Rhodes, Jr.
Daniel J. Redmond
Mary McNair Reed
Jackie D. Reese
Michael D. & Kristy L. Reisig
Joseph R. Restivo
R. Kipp & Sara Switlik Riddle
Kenneth & Karen Stockebrand Rienbolt
John M. & Carole A. Robb
Ronald S. & Mary Beth Woods Robb
Dale G. & Phyllis Kasselman Roberds
Hugh & Myrna Robinson
Kiley O. & Melinda Roesch Roelfs
Daryl L. & Christine Larson Roller
Eric L. & Kathy Wright Rosenblad
Lawrence A. & Donna Carpino Rowan
William L., Jr. & Nydia Jenkins Rowe
Charles K. & Linda Stear Runyan
Raymond M. & Zoe A. Towner Ryan
Curt & Janis Miles Saket
Larry E. & Gloria Sanborn
Santa Fe Trail Middle School
Lisa Potter Savage
Virginia Schalling
Robert D. & Terry Follis Schirk
Paul & Geneva Schleicher
Robert D. Schremmer
Joseph L. & Christine Kelly Schremmer
Bob K. & Colleen A. Scifers
Ron & Susan Seglie
Jolene Workman Selvey
Dean & Michele Hoffman Sexton
Michael D. & Diane Shaw
Josh J.  & Michelle N. Shay
Kevin & Lea Reekie Shepard
Jon S. &Treva Barrow Sherman
James R. Shetlar Law Office
Ruth W. Short
Bob & Marilyn Short
Brian R. & Nancy Woolman Shultz
Sigma Alpha Iota
Thomas D. Simmons, Jr.
Gerald J. & Carol Meriaux Simone
Gary F. & Leseley Adey Simpson
Bryan T. Simpson
Cynthia L. Slayman
Gary & Verna Pearson Smith
Nicholas E. & Cheryl L. Smith
Howard W. & Tina M.  Kramer Smith
Robert Miles Smith
Beverly Dion Snodgrass
James T. & Peggy J. Haller Snyder
David D. & Marcia A. Sorrick
Kala A. Spigarelli
Richard & Mary Coleman St. John
Robert W. & Becky Duncan Stahl
Dan L. Stanley
Daniel R. & Jeanette Nedrous Stengel
Carolyn Anderson Stewart
Paul G. & Carolyn Stewart
Sue & Phil* Stidham
Jeffery L. & Barbara Cook Stotts
Suzanne Street
Verl W. & Nina Strong
Louis & Corene White Stroup
Barbara A. Stuart
Ibraheem Suberu
Brian F. & Laura Pennington Sullivan
Terrence J. & Lucida Sullivan
William J. & Patricia Sullivan
Sunset Manor Nursing Center
Jimmie L. & Shirley Fisher Sweet
Chin-Yun Jen Tang
Elias A. & Magda E. Awaad Tawil
John D. & Kristina Taylor
Craig L. & Ronda Fox Theroff
Harold L. & Alice L. Thomas
Charles R. & Wanda L. Thomas
Steven W. & Stacy Currier Thomas
Rick L. & Charlotte Clark Thompson
Daniel J. & Karen D. Thompson
Robert J. Tindel*
Mary Ann Hardin Toeller
Robert M. Trager
James R. & Shirley Drew Triplett
Vasily D. Tsybizov & Tamara G. Tsybizova
Gregg* & Jane Turner
Malcolm L. & Evelyn Carroll Turner
Patrick & Misty Tyler
Marla & Vernon Granneman Ulbrich
James A. & Wendy E. Urkevich
Amy Davison Vail
Fred R. & Kay Van Pelt
Theresa Fry Van Becelaere & Vincent P. Van Becelaere
Jeffrey A. & Karen Kennedy Van Leeuwen
David & Theresa Bauer Vaughan
Bernadette S. Vogler
David & Deborah Vowell
William B. & Mary Kay Grimaldi Wachter
Katherine Ann Walker
Gary L. & Shirley Wall
Robert A. Walter
Jerry E. & Patricia J. Waltrip
Douglas L. & Pamela K. Warbinton
Donald E. & Susan Gordon Ward
Jill Warford
Catherine Morey Waring
Debie Waterman
Gene A. Wayenberg, Sr.
Dick* & Kaye Lynne Johnson Webb
Kenneth A. & Leann Corbin Webb
Edward & Shirley Weger
Jerry E. & Janice Oliver Weis
Bradley J. Wells
Mark A. & Lauren Reed Werner
Julian “Cotton”  & Judy A. Westhoff
Christine L. Hardesty Westhoff
Megan C. Westhoff
Dennis & Catherine Harrison White
Gregory A. White
Victor R. & Janice J. Shane Wilkerson
Amanda Markley & Kurt Williams
Gary R. & Janice L. Williams
Meagan M. Willis
James J. & Daleen Hauserman Wilson
Theresa A. Wilson
Jeffrey A. & Heather Huntsinger Wilson
Bobby N. & Jean Pittman Winters
Bing K. & Joyce Wong
Ronald G. & Barbara J. Wood
Tom & Caroldene D. Woolbright
Richard & Karen Wootton
Kenneth E.* & Susan Worthington
Robert J. & Sara E. Wright
Clarence S. & Elizabeth A. Wutke
Talaat E. & Marie T. Tawil Yaghmour
Brenda K. Yockey 
Martha A. York
Anthony A. Young
  • The Steinway Society
Pittsburg State University expresses its appreciation to the following individuals who provided gifts to purchase the Steinway D Concert Grand Piano and the Steinway B Baby Grand Piano, as well as other musical equipment and instruments for the Bicknell Family Center for the Arts.  

The Steinway Society includes those donors who made gifts of $20,000 or more to support this special initiative. 

Gene E. and Paula F. Baker
Richard and Janet Chitty 
Reid and Sue Davison
Harvey and Sharon Dean  
Larry D. Evans
Carolann Martin 
The Estate of Lavonne C. Monroe
Miles and Paula Schnaer 
Ron and Betty Scripsick
Guy E. and Brenda Sutherland 
Alan G. and Roberta Harlow Whetzel
Wendell and Lynda Wilkinson 
Talaat and Marie Yaghmour  

Others contributing to the musical equipment and instrument fund for
the Bicknell Center: 

Larry and Linda Bingham 
Warren and Gail Deatherage
Chris and Dawn McNay
UMB Charitable Foundation

Seat Plaques

Linda & Lee Scott Performance Hall

Seat plaques are listed below in alphabetical order by the last name of the donor followed by the row and seat numbers of their plaques. Seat plaques are placed in the order of the date the gift was received for the plaque. The plaques are placed on the back of the chair location listed.  

Purchase seat plaques


Albers S 123
Albertini E 102
Albright R 111, 112
Alcala G 107
Allan/Fischer O 117, 118, 119
Allen O 116
Allison G 1, 3, 5, 7
American Concrete P 102
Amershek F 108
AuBuchon R 101
Bacon D 5
Baird Q 105
Bateman O 113, 114, 115
Beezley B 11 13
Belew E 16, 18
Bena H 5
Bergant B 101, 102
Bicknell Family A 106, 107
Borders B 2
Bradley C 7, 9
Breneman S 115, 116
Brewer G 102
Brill S 108
Brogan T 106
Brooker C 108
Brumfield C 16
Bryant D 106
Button P 109
Callahan F 2, 4, 6
Campbell A 16
Carlson C 104
Cason T 116
Cedeno D 112
Chapman C 10, 12
Chappelear O 102
Chitty R 104
Cleland C 105
Clement A 14
Clum C 14
Coleman A 110, 111
Collinson H 101 – 110
Coltharp, Forrest O 111
Coltharp, Hazel G 112, 113
Comeau E 8
Connors R 118
Cook C 103, 104
Cortes S 111, 112
Crosetto F 1, 3, 5, 7
Crutcher D 11
Dalton E 6
Danenhauer D 101, 102
Dawson B 101 – 110
Deats T 115
Dellasega H 3
Docking E 110
Draper D 12, 14
Ducre D 2
Erwin H 114
Evans & Wood B 3, 5
Farabi S 105
Fichter Q 120, 121
Fienen H 113
Flottman P 3
Freeman, Elaine Q 113
Freeman, Joanna S 122
Frihart G 104
Friskel R 106
Galloway O 101
Geisler E 101
Giefer O 1, 3
Gladden H 1
Gosch B 14, 16
Graham C 13, 15
Grilz T 107
Grimes P 101
Grooms S 120, 121
Harris S 117
Heitz D 107, 108
Henry D 1, 3
Hermann O 112
Hess P 118, 119, 120
Hewett E 5, 7
Hines D 4,6
Hinton 0 6, 8
Hite T 111 – 114
Hittner S 107
Hodson B 4, 6
Holt G 109, 110
Horton G 101
Houser Q 104
Hudson S 109
Ison A 6, 8
Jarrett O 110
Jewett S 101
Johnson O 103, 104
Jones D 16
Kaemmerling G 103
                    Q 115
Kannarr G 108
Katter F 112
Kehle C 110, 111
Keller/Beezley-Keller A 10, 12
Keller, Joseph R 109
Kline B 15
Knaup O 107, 108
Kriegsman C 2
Lawson Q 114
Leibbrand O 2, 4
Leppke E 10, 12
Lowe R 121
Main D 109
Malle, Connie R 115
Malle, Geri R 114
Manning R 110
Marshall F 111
Marrone, Adam A 5
Marrone, Albert A 3, 7
Martin B 1
Massa A 2, 4
           Q 118, 119
Mayfield S 102, 103
McCord-Belzer P 113
McDougle E 14
McKinnis P 110
McLaren D 7
Menghini-Wolownik O 7, 9, 11
Miller, Ed P 115, 116
Miller Family A 108, 109
Minton R 108
Mudireddy P 1
Munoz D 13, 15
Murray B 8
Myers, Andy R 107
Myers, Charles D 13
Naccarato R 122
Norton R 105
Oehme T 109, 110
Oler F 106
Olson C 4
Paddock-Endicott D 110
Parker G 111
Paterni P 117
Patterson T 118
Peak Q 112
Perry & Rondelli Perry C 6
Pfannenstiel P 6
Phalen F 105
Phi Mu Alpha Q 108, 109
Poe C 106, 107
Porter A 9, 11
Potter-Gariglietti Q 111
Purdy C 1
Redmond Q 106
Restivo D 105, 106
Robb, John Q 107
Robb, Steve R 116, 117
Roelfs T 108
Rondelli S 106
Rosenblad P 106, 107, 108
Rowe E 107
Runyan P 114
Ryan C 101, 102, 103
Saket C 5
Sanborn R 113
Sandness E 1,3
Scott A 101, 102
Scott, Riley T 105
Seglie C 109
Sewell P 8
Sexton F 110
Schleicher S 104
Shaw C 3
Shay S 118
Sherman Q 110
Shultz D 111
Sigma Alpha Iota R 102
Simpson P 103
Smith, Gary O 5
Smith, Howard R 119
Smith, Jay T 117
Snyder H 111
Sorrick O 105
Spicer-Owlsey D 9
Spigarelli, Kala R 120
Spigarelli Law Firm B 7, 9
Stahl S 113, 114
Stevens P 2, 4
Stein- Sapir Q 101
Stroup P 104
Students of PSU A 104, 105
Sullivan H 112
Swafford S 110
Tawil F 109
Taylor F 101 – 104
Thomas E 108, 109
Traeger Q 102, 103
VanBecelaere E 111
Van Pelt R 103
Wall A 1
Walter B 10, 12
Walton A 103
Waltrip Q 117
Waterman E 104, 105
Wayenberg E 103
Webb D 15
Wells P 112
Werner P 111
Weis S 119
Westhoff T 119
White, Cathy O 106
Winters C 108
Wong E 106
Wood P 105
Woolbright O 109
Yaghmour G 105, 106
York F 107